Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
AYODHYAAyodhya is located in the faizabad district in the state of uttar Pradesh, India and it is located on the banks of the holy river. It is mostly famous because it is birthplace of Rama, is the symbol of Indian man hood. It is spread from Kabul valley to the banks of Godavari and there are 55 temples in Ayodhya. Hindus and Muslims lived in the brotherhood manner from ancient times.

Saketa as ayodhya named in the ancient times unfurls the extraordinary moments in the great epic Ramayana and the place has gained reputation as an amazing centre of learning and enlightenment under the glorious rule of the mauryans and guptas and according to the holy scriptures of the jains this land has been described as city constructed by gods. One can view the legendary tales of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism can still being seen in ayodhya and not only .....
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